Saturday, September 12, 2020

Once Upon a Time, Earl Hines

It’s Jazzurday! Wherein I listen to a jazz album, like a grown-up.

Once Upon a Time, Earl Hines, 1966, :37

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

I stumbled upon an article about Earl Hines that extolled his piano skills.  Apparently one of the best jazz pianists of all time, and one who had an immense influence on jazz music general, a giant with a unique talent.  So I picked this album as one of his peak works and gave it an expectant listen.  But... it seems to be a horn showcase.  Three saxophones, a trumpet, a trombone, a couple of clarinets, all blaring and bopping and screeching.  Lots of jazzy riffs where the horns wail and cry and sing.  Not that this is a bad thing per se.  It's definitely a toe-tapper.  I was just expecting a display of piano virtuosity.  Favorite tracks: "Cottontail," "Hash Brown."

Apart From the Crowd, Great Buildings

Apart From the Crowd , Great Buildings, 1981, :40 ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Solid jangle-pop from a now largely-forgotten group featuring two guys who went ...