Monday, September 21, 2020

Soulforce Revolution, 7 Seconds

It’s Manic Monday! Wherein I listen to a rocker, a punker, or just a general banger.

Soulforce Revolution, 7 Seconds, 1989, :33

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

I've been a fan of 7 Seconds for some years, but only through hearing a song here and there.  Never listened to a whole album through.  I think the strength of this band is in its short, fast, positive, defiant statements.  At just over a half hour, this album feels long by the end.  However, the music on this album, a manic jangle-pop-punk with elements of surf, is more melodic than earlier 7 Seconds stuff.  Indeed, some of this music would not be called "punk" if you were expecting a typical jangle-pop '90s band like Guadalcanal Diary or the Rembrandts.  I was torn on rating this album.  I suppose it's three stars if you're expecting a musical punch in the face, but four stars if you're not.  Favorite tracks: "Satyagraha," "Tickets To a Better Place."

Apart From the Crowd, Great Buildings

Apart From the Crowd , Great Buildings, 1981, :40 ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Solid jangle-pop from a now largely-forgotten group featuring two guys who went ...