Sunday, November 22, 2020

Break It Yourself, Andrew Bird

Currently doing one album for each year, 1960-2020. Today: 2012.

Break It Yourself, Andrew Bird, 2012, :59

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

Whistling, violin, atmospheric layers of sound, and a singing voice so beautiful that if it weren't so understated you would call it "operatic." Unlike these indie kids, Andrew Bird doesn't need to dazzle with noise or attempts at virtuosity. That's because he is a virtuoso, and everything he does smacks of virtuosity just because he's doing it. Listening to this album after a few days of what is usually thought of as "indie rock" is like returning to the adult table after spending time at the kids' food fight. Intelligent, emotive lyrics accompany skillfully-arranged, ethereal melodies. Favorite tracks: "Orpheo Looks Back," "Danse Caribe," "Eyeoneye."

Apart From the Crowd, Great Buildings

Apart From the Crowd , Great Buildings, 1981, :40 ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Solid jangle-pop from a now largely-forgotten group featuring two guys who went ...